7th Grade Reflection | Fab or Flop?

Staying up ’till midnight finishing homework, paying yet again for another school iPad, planning last-minute surprise parties for best friends. I’ll tell you this, my 7th grade year had definitely been something.

Let’s start off with the bad first. Homework. Yes, that’s right. Homework. Ranging from detailed “multi-paragraphed” [oh, the horror] blog posts, to 30 problem math packets ranging from easy to I-don’t-even-have-a-clue-what-that-says difficult. Once in a blue moon, you have almost no homework, but on those days, you spend the whole night studying for exams or tearing your hair apart thinking that you forgot something in your locker. Usually the latter. Almost every single other day, you basically have to stay up ’till one, sometimes even two, finishing up everything. And that’s not even the worst of it.

Extracurricular activities. We all have that one activity after school that goes on for two hours. For me it’s swimming. Right when I get home, I try to finish as much homework as I can, and then I put on my swim suit and head off to swim team. These meets usually go on for two hours for 5 days a week, and starts at 6:45 and ends at nine. Whoop-dee-doo. As I come back home with the impending disaster of homework looming over my head, I usually make a mental-checklist of what I have left to do. And then I go home, stay up until one, and do every last bit of homework left.

On a brighter note, 7th grade wasn’t all that bad. One good thing that came out of it was making new friends. I recently joined a few new clubs at my school. NJHS, All For Equality, and Math Counts. Through all these activities, I feel as if I have developed a stronger, more stable position on that social scale. I am no longer that one wallflower who sits off to the side at track meets and school dances. I am dancing along with everyone else. My anxiety has gotten a lot less volatile, and now I can actually talk to new people with out having a mental breakdown! [Yes, it has happened. Don’t even get me started.] I have developed more rigid bonds with some of my old friends, and made new bonds with new friends! Oh, and for those friends, no, they are not even classified as friends anymore. For those people who have been rude to me from the start, or were just using me to get to someone else, I have cut off all ties to.

So here’s some advice for new children entering the world of seventh grade.

1. Kiss-up to teachers as much as you want. It only gets you further in life.
2. Do your homework at any point during the day when you have time. Wouldn’t want to stay up late, would we?
3. School before extra-curriculars. If you have a big project due the next day, and you haven’t even started, skip that volleyball tournament or saxophone lesson you have. You’ll have an extra 2-ish hours!
4. Lastly, get rid of all the unnecessary drama in your life. We all have some unneeded stress. Get rid of it! Homework will take up that stress-space anyways.

So Seventh grade. Fab or flop? Well, one word to sum up my all seventh grade experience is…


To viewers, how was your seventh grade experience? How do you expect the next school year to be? Leave your comments down below!

After, Saving Elliot, Mars, Etc. | Works On Wattpad

Bad boy vs. good girl, fanfiction, horror stories, poetry, letters. You name it, Wattpad’s got it.

So, it all started a couple of months ago, when I decided to look up a site called Wattpad, which had fabulous reviews from many of my friends. They had told me many things, that the books on there were wonderful, better than most fictional works published. I had thought they were exaggerating, but I was completely utterly wrong. After a few weeks of hounding from my friends to make a Wattpad account, I decided to, having no idea what I was getting myself into.

To start of, the romance novels and fanfictions caught my eye. After, one of my most praised pieces of literature, ended up at the top, tying with a bad-boy vs. good-girl novel called Saving Elliot. After was about 300 chapters and still ongoing! Saving Elliot is currently on hiatus, which I am very depressed about, but so far, it is 35-ish chapters, with 6-7 pages per chapter. These books are still my favorite, along with a couple others which made my top ten.

One was a short story called Mars. Mars is a story about the suicide attempt by a boy, and it’s relations to the universe and galaxies. This piece is very heart-warming at times, and is very soulful. Another that made my top ten was a collection of short stories, called Bitter Sweets. One of these stories was about a girl with schizophrenia, who struggled with this, and ended up killing herself. The last story I will recommend is a story called Cherry Knots. A beautiful love story about two teenagers with their fair share of problems, Cherry Knots has extraordinary language and can be pictured very well.

Side Note- I am currently writing two pieces on Wattpad, one called Alterations, and a collection of short stories called Acid. Please check them out if you have the time.

I have started all of you guys in the journey of Wattpad, giving y’all a few stories to start of with. If you choose to continue this expedition, you will have to discover the rest by yourself.