
Question of passion

The inky darkness swirled around me. I couldn’t see the light. I couldn’t see anything. I was alone.

The inability to find him, my mysterious Angel, scared me. Whenever I called for him, even in my dreams, he always came, until now. My eyes started adjusting to the darkness, slowly, but surely. My head was turning, front to back, side to side, trying to comprehend my surroundings. Finally I stopped looking. I kept seeing the same thing. Myself. The room was full of mirrors.

The thought that someone might, just might, rescue me brought a little happiness. I lay down on the floor, trying to go to sleep, seeing as I couldn’t do anything. Many hours passed, but I couldn’t go into a full sleep. I was in the middle, just at the edge of the land of nightmares. Suddenly, I saw it. Whether it was a trick of my imagination or not, I saw a light. It was just a small sliver, probably reflected by some of the looking glasses.

Instantaneously, I heard the euphonious sound of the violin being played, a harmonious symphony of notes emerging into one production. My legs felt like jelly, and I perceived that my body was slowly trudging its way towards a gigantic mirror. As I stood in front of the mirror, I couldn’t help but sing along to the melody that was being played by the violin. I felt my pitch go higher and higher and right as I reached the top note, the mirror collapsed, and in its place was a boat, wavering left and right, in a smoky river. I detected something wrong in the picture almost immediately: the Phantom was steering the boat.

I pivoted, quick as I could, trying to find a way out, but I was trapped. The Phantom grabbed my hand in one fluid motion, and put me down carefully onto the boat. “Am I now prey to your lust of flesh?” I questioned, furious.

“Oh Christine, turn around and face your fate: an eternity of this before your eyes”, he bellowed, maliciously.

All I could do, was cry.

Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Emily’s mind via Compfight

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