Week 4-5: Media and a Memory


Dinosaur. When some people hear the word “dinosaur”, they think of T-Rex’s or some other big scary dinosaur. When I hear the word “dinosaur”,  I think of something completely different. I think of a big purple creature with a green belly. I think of a friendly beast that wouldn’t harm a fly. I think of my old childhood friend. I think of Barney.

Barney used to be my life. My first toy was a small purple Barney doll. I would never go anywhere without it. I was obsessed with that doll. Then I got introduced to his movies. Oh, what fun it was to spend every waking hour with Barney. I was never without my little purple dinosaur.

My parents told me that one day I accidentally broke his head. It was apparently the worst day of my life. I spent the whole day crying, and refusing to eat or do anything. I remember making him a little grave in our garden in California. They also told me that when they bought me another Barney doll, I was elated. I remember sewing him little clothes to wear, and trying to feed him some of my food so he wouldn’t starve. I still have that Barney doll.

I grew out of that phase, and many others after that, but it was an important part of my life. It was actually my first phase or fandom. Currently, I am engaged in a lot of fandoms, but I will always remember how Barney gave me a head start into this world.


Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Joe Shlabotnik via Compfight

7 thoughts on “Week 4-5: Media and a Memory

  1. Whenever I come to this blog, I always enjoy reading something new and fresh. It was neat how you showed how obsessed you were with the doll. I used to love not only Blues Clues, but Barney as well. I would watch Blues Clues day and night, that is, if my parents would let me watch it after bedtime. You used vivid imagery, as I read I could see you crying while digging the grave and sewing little clothes for the doll. This post reminded me of how I loved watching my show just like you loved your doll. It was very well written, I really liked it!

  2. I loved reading this post because the sentence structure and voice was absolutely excellent! The words flowed so smoothly and I read each paragraph with ease (which doesn’t really happen with me). I can also relate to the part where you said you made a grave for your Barney doll, which is what I used to do with some of my stuffed animals! I think you’re a great writer and this post was very well-written!

  3. Barney! Just seeing the picture brings back happy memories of my youngest (now nineteen years old) enjoying Barney and Friends on television.

    And a Barney fandom?! I never thought about it that way, but yeah 🙂 Very clever connection!

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